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Re: [wg-review] Re: [cctld-discuss] Comments on review of DNSOby MrPark

Eric Dierker wrote:
> If we put the issue of money aside are we all in agreement that ICANN must
> work in a multi-lingual capacity?

I realise that this wil appear to be badly parochial, but, I believe
that only english should be used, but, that the wording of everything,
should be in simple, plain, clear, and, unambiguous english.

There are simply too many languages. English, from my understanding, is
the primary, multi-national language, and, if an organisation is to work
on a multi-lingual basis, then, in how many languages should it work?
Should there be a cut-off point, in the number of people believed to be
conversant in a particular language, or, dialect? English itself, has
many different versions, dpending on which country, and, which location
in which country, the user is located. From what I understand, people
from one part of Britain, have difficulty understanding people from
another part of Britain, and, that is due to the language used, and,
quite apart from the problem of the differing accents.

And, as an example of the problems of trying to include all languages, a
man here in Australia (I believe that he is now dead), a few (not more
than 20) years ago, was unable to be tried in court, as he was the last
surviving member of an aboriginal tribe, and he spoke no language other
than the language of his tribe, and, no other person spoke his language,
so, no communication involving language, could be used.

The languages that are used in the world, have varying numbers using
them, and, varying numbers using the different dialects of each
language. Something written in one dialect of Cantonese or Mandarin (as
two completely separate languages), may have completely different
meanings, due to different interpretations of the characters that need
to be used. And, from what I have been told, by people who have those
languages as their primary languages, no person knows all the characters
of each langauge, quite apart from not knowing all the different
meanings of each charcter that they do know.

So, while it is not a perfect solution, I suggest that the belief that I
expressed, in my first paragraph above, is the best solution, and, is
less likely to make anyone whose language or dialect is not included, in
a defined set of languages to be used, feel discriminated against ("All
these other languages are included, but my language, and, my dialect,
are not included. That is unfair to me, and, discriminating against my
language and my dialect.")

Also, it would make the english that is used, more understandable, and,
more efficient, for people whose primary language is english.


Bret Busby

Armadale, West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the
answer means."
 - Deep Thought, Chapter 28 of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
 - Douglas Adams, 1988 
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