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Re: [council] Input on .org

Thanks, Elisabeth, I will add you to the list.

So far we have:
Mueller, NCDNHC
Karp, gTLD
Forsyth, B&C
Porteneuve, ccTLD
Guillermo, IPCC

I am chairing the .ORG TF for now. 


>>> Elisabeth Porteneuve <Elisabeth.Porteneuve@cetp.ipsl.fr> 07/30/01 15:42 PM >>>

Please add me to .org TF.
If the ccTLD group may have another delegate I will give my
place with pleasure.

NB. I am a bit lost, could somebody summarize who is in what TF ?
    Do we have a Chair of dot org TF ?

> From owner-council@dnso.org Sun Jul 29 17:23 MET 2001
> Message-Id: <sb63f200.040@gwia201.syr.edu>
> Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 11:22:34 -0400
> From: "Milton Mueller" <mueller@syr.edu>
> To: <DannyYounger@cs.com>, <council@dnso.org>
> Subject: Re: [council] Input on .org
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by dnso.dnso.org id RAA06394
> Members of the Noncommercial constituency
> will be meeting in Washington, DC Monday July 30
> to formulate a more definite position. This 
> meeting is for NCDNHC members only.
> While in DC I will also be informally liaising
> with some members of the B&C and IP constituencies.
> Let me remind the GA that a GA member should be
> appointed to this task force.
> After that is done, the ORG Task Force will begin 
> preparing for the Montevideo meeting. We are 
> still waiting for Registrars and ccTLDs to appoint 
> a TF member for .ORG. I believe I conscripted er,
> suggested Ken Stubbs and since he hasn't declined
> yet I will put his name on our list after the DC
> meetings. ;-)
> --MM

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