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Re: [ga] french candidate Eric Jonvel - ICANN meeting inMontevideo

On 03:49 25/08/01, Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales said:
> > And I do not undestand that candidates and NC members
> > must purchase the right to share in decisions.
>I didn't understand this statement.

Dear Vany,
When you say that you paid your trip to Stockholm you say:
- I was to be in Stockholm to participate in NC decisions
- I was obliged to purchase the ticket by myself

So you purchased the possibility to participate in the NC decisions in 

> > I find this unfair, dishonnest, and most of all totally inneficient ...
>Unfair?  ICANN is fair by treating equally all candidates (no one is being
>funding by ICANN).

I talk about the ICANN system. This system is unfair because all through 
the world many people cannot participate wand may have far better reasons 
than yours and mine.

>Dishonest?  ICANN has being honest in not show any favoritism for any 
>in any means.

Dishonnest because this is a "one dollar one vote" system and not a "one 
man one vote" system.

>Totally inneficient?  Where is the ineficiency?  In this subject there's no
>eficiency to measure since the eficiency of ICANN is not measured in the terms
>you want to measure it.

The entire world may measure the efficiency of the system.

>Jefsey...stop complain and share with all DNSO factible solutions.  If you 
>have proposals of solutions, then, there is no point to follow discussing this

I think I have enough propositions on the table! What I would like to see 
is some pramatic responses and some work ahead. This is not because we do 
things wrong that we have to continue being wrong and to build on top.

We have first to understand what we do, good or bad.
The first question is: "is the ICANN a business by a corporation or is the 
ICANN a common good oriented effort".

Please respond.

If it is a business it must carry by business rules and accept competition. .
If its a common good effort it must start first in having Members and being 
accountable to them.

Without that basic clarification, you may spend a lof of time and efforts 
you will go nowhere. As we presently do.


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