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[ga] Re: NC meeting

Friday, Friday, October 12, 2001, 1:20:57 AM, Philip Sheppard wrote:

> William,
> the NC discussed your request at its meeting yesterday but did not consider
> it was appropriate to take it further at this stage.

So, the GA must remain without a Chair who believes in building
consensus on issues to bring to the NC or the ICANN BOD?

Sorry, Philip, but I consider this decision irresponsible, and I will
be calling each individual member of the Names Council to task on this
decision on the GA list, and asking them to justify their position.  I
will make a list, and place all NC members on there, as those who
support that kind of ineffective chair for the GA, and will remove
those who make clear statements that they would support action to get
a real chair for the GA.

You read his post, he believes that bringing issues from the GA to the
NC is a waste of time, and refuses to engage in that kind of action,
when that is EXACTLY what he is supposed to be doing.

What possible reason could exist to leave him in place after he made
that statement that he was not going to do what he was appointed to

> We will however be asking the GA chair for his recommendations following the
> resignation of the alt chair.

You expect him to give you more guidance than he has ever given the

The GA, and thus the bottom up process that the DNSO is supposed to
have, CANNOT gain legitimacy in this environment.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains
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