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Re: [ga] Alt.Chair Replacement

Eric and all assembly members,

Eric Dierker wrote:

> Good for you Jeff,
> I will discuss our plight with our company tomorrow.  Although we are a
> small company
> of only a dozen or so, and we are currently donating every extra penny
> to developing
> nations.  However we will see as this is a worthy cause and may lead to
> exponentially
> helping my poor brethren.

  Very good!  Wonderful!  Keep up the great work for our less advantaged
stakeholders.  >:)

>  We live poor in your terms but very rich in
> giving and sleep well and happy with good dreams.  I am sure we will
> contribute; perhaps Natalya who just applied for citizenship here from
> the Ukraine or Victor from Mexico will donate as our lead designers.

  Well perhaps they shall!  I and I am sure many of the current GA
participants look forward to hearing further on this.  >:)

> Perhaps our lead code writers Bang and Tuan with there six children from
> Asia will donate.

  That would be wonderful!  I hope that they shall as well.  >:)

>  If we pool perhaps we will not be so embarrassed by
> the small sum we have to give.  But give we will, for we know what
> communicative poverty is all about.

  Here Here!

> I understand your company to consist of 118K engineers, perhaps their
> leadership
> under your guidance would get us further.

  No, INEGroup is not my company, that is made clear in my sig file
(See below).  INEGroup is made up of many different stakeholders
from a broad range and level of stakeholders.  Few are engineers,
as we have discussed many times on the phone.

  As we have discussed on a number of occasions on the phone now,
INEGroup puts their funds to work from the outside in to expanding
the use of the internet and providing small membership companies
in progressing their endeavors along.  In this way our members
contribute allot to the Internet community by helping it grow,
as well as doing so in a healthy, productive and inclusive
way.  We are of the belief that in taking this approach, a more positive
and useful aspect is better realized in a shorter amount of time while
still maintaining stability and indeed enhancing that stability in an
affordable manner.

> But I will personally pledge
> $200 to any
> established fund.  believe me I live paycheck to paycheck and we should
> thank also my
> college daughter and her two younger siblings for that donation.  but
> they believe in
> the net and my belief in our cause so I am sure they will be happy. Know
> also there
> are many like us and though we may not have plenty in money we will
> gladly give to
> help make this world a more communicative place.

  Great!  I look forward to hearing of these these funds at work
in assisting the DNSO GA in the near term than!
Well done indeed!

> I truly believe that establishing a representative force here will help
> others to see that it can be done.  Thereby we will build a consensus and an
> establishment of Internet democracy.

  We share this desire.  unfortunately some of our stakeholders, mainly
the ICANN BOD and staff do not share in this desire even though they
are supposed to do so should that desire be known.  And of course
we all know that such a desire is well known.  Perhaps in the future
they shall see the error in their ways.

> I fully support the work of our chair.  I fully commit to serving him as
> our elected
> representative.  I do not agree with all he does and will continue to
> give him my
> alternatives and argue what I see as right.  But when truth be told I
> voted for him.
> Even though I was running for chair.  He is a good and competent man and
> father.

  Yes, Danny has done a pretty good job thus far.  Certainly he is not
perfect, but than again none of us are, are we Eric?  >;)

> I ask all dot commoners to add a little oomph to your participation and
> contribution
> in which ever way you see appropriate for your circumstance.
> We have a long ways to go and a short time to get there ///  The only
> unacceptable
> solution is the status quo ///  speak truth and you may seem lonely but
> in fact you
> will have the greatest friends of all, true friends.

  Indeed so!  >:)

> Sincerely,
> Eric
> Jeff William's wrote:
> > PacificRoot Hostmaster wrote:
> >
> > > I nominate JW
> >
> >   Thank you Bradley, but I am not interested in a position that is not
> > presently being viewed as needed by in large.  I would also not be interested
> > in a non-paying position of this, and a few feel is an important one.  If, as
> > a few have argued (Eric in particular), than it should be a paid position.
> > Perhaps our fellow participant/colleague Eric, will prevail upon his
> > employer to garner some enfusion of funding?  I am sure that
> > Hi-tek.com would like to take the lead and also support Eric in
> > helping providing for GA funding.  Such a move might engender
> > others to pony up some additional $$ for the DNSO GA.
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Mon, 15 Oct 2001 DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:
> > >
> > > > Dear members,
> > > >
> > > > We have received the following query from the Names Council:
> > > >
> > > > Danny,
> > > > following the resignation of the alt chair, what action do you propose
> > > > taking? Will you be holding new elections or looking at the previous election
> > > > for the next person on the list?
> > > >
> > > > Philip Sheppard
> > > > NC Chair
> > > >
> > > > As the General Assembly's rules do not offer sufficient guidance in this
> > > > area, it is appropriate that the membership discuss this matter.  In essence,
> > > > do we promote Eric Dierker to the position of Alt. Chair, or do we convene
> > > > new elections?  Is there justification for the Chair to appoint a temporary
> > > > Alt. Chair until the elections are held (if we decide that elections are
> > > > warranted?)  Let me know your thoughts so that we can move forward
> > > > accordingly.  Thank you.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > This message was passed to you via the ga@dnso.org list.
> > > > Send mail to majordomo@dnso.org to unsubscribe
> > > > ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
> > > > Archives at http://www.dnso.org/archives.html
> > > >
> > >
> > > Bradley D. Thornton
> > > Chief Technology Officer
> > > The PacificRoot/Joint Technologies Ltd.
> > > http://www.PacificRoot.com
> > > http://www.JointTech.com
> > >

Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number:  972-447-1800 x1894 or 214-244-4827
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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