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[ga] icannworld.org

Hi Joop

> While I am very disappointed about what happended yesterday at the GA
> meeting, with the published agenda suddenly disregarded  and 2 items not
> addressed,  I will not help playing the game of attacking a Chair before
> there is another elected one willing to take over that thankless job.

Sorry, Joop, the TLDA members have raised as an issue that Bradley
Thornton's presentation was cut out from the agenda without notice.  If
true, I would argue
that is iniquitous.  I have no knowledge of the reason for it being cut.

You should be aware that Danny lost my support some time ago.

As far as Danny following proper process I would also remind you of the

----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Corliss <patrick@quad.net.au>
To: Danny Younger <webmaster@babybows.com>
Cc: [ga] <ga@dnso.org>; <DannyYounger@cs.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ga] Motion Accepted

Hi Danny

Perhaps I should have read your wishy washy, doublespeak wording more
carefully.  You wrote:

> > At some point our Secretariat will advise when it is ready to once more
> > support the activities of the General Assembly.  Perhaps we might be
> > able to conclude a vote on this motion by early October (according to
> > the most recent timetable put forth).  In the meantime, you may wish to
> > get a "sense of the GA" on this topic through a poll.

The fact is that the DNSO Secretariat never had any intention of putting my
motion to a vote.  I doubt if you did either despite your misleading heading
"Motion Accepted".

If we can't even get an internal motion to a vote of the GA, what chance do
we have with something that has external implicatations.

So can we cut the crap and just write off the GA as a farce?

Best regards

----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Corliss <patrick@quad.net.au>
To: <DannyYounger@cs.com>
Cc: [ga] <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ga] Motion Accepted

> On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 01:33:50 EDT, Danny Younger wrote:
> > I have no objection to accepting the motion that you have proposed.
> > At some point our Secretariat will advise when it is ready to once more
> > support the activities of the General Assembly.  Perhaps we might be
> > able to conclude a vote on this motion by early October (according to
> > the most recent timetable put forth).  In the meantime, you may wish to
> > get a "sense of the GA" on this topic through a poll.
> Thank you for your support and your comments.  By my count, there are
> 18 declared supporters for the present proposal:
> *    Peter de Blanc
> *    Roeland Meyer
> *    Leah Gallegos
> *    Jefsey Morfin
> *    Ken Stubbs
> *    William S. Lovell
> *    Marilyn Cade
> *    Ross Wm. Rader (for Tucows)
> *    Bradley Thornton
> *    Alexander Svensson
> *    Michael McNulty
> *    Joop Teernstra
> *    Erica Roberts
> *    Marc Schneiders
> *    Vany Martinez
> *    John C. Lewis
> *    Derek Conant (with reservations)
> *    Patrick Corliss (myself)
> I believe that we have sufficient mandate to request members to use the
> [ga-rules] mailing list to debate procedural or other administrative
> issues like websites, mailing lists, etc.
> > To facilitate that effort, and in response to the recommendation put
> > by Bill Lovell to create our own website, I have begun building such a
> > site (with an area devoted to current motions).  You may visit
> > http://www.icannworld.org to see the results of my efforts over the
> > course of this weekend.
> I would, of course, thank both Bill Lovell and yourself, as well as Joanna
> Lane, for your kind efforts.
> One wonders why we cannot incorporate these initiatives into the current
> DNSO website.  I see this as an issue that needs to be discussed on the
> [ga-rules] mailing list.
> > Clicking on the General Assembly Link will take you to the page that
> > leads you to the Straw Poll.
> Thank you.  At least we start with the 18 names above (19 if we include
> yourself) in favour of discussing non-substantive issues on the [ga-rules]
> mailing list.
> I see that as sufficient mandate to encourage compliance with this motion.
> > Best regards,
> > Danny
> Best wishes
> Patrick Corliss

<snip footers>

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