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RE: [ga] Business Constituency and the GA

|> From: DPF [mailto:david@farrar.com]
|> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:36 PM
|> On Thu, 22 Nov 2001 00:16:45 -0500, "Gomes, Chuck"
|> <cgomes@verisign.com> wrote:
|> >Peter,
|> >
|> >From a business point of view, gTLDs and registrars can 
|> make the same
|> >arguments.  If we do not effectively meet the needs of 
|> users we will not be
|> >in business long.  So again, I don't see any major 
|> differences in this
|> >regard.
|> I'm sorry but that is drawing far too strong a bow string.  
|> Commercial
|> gTLD registries and registrars have a sole focus of 
|> maximising profit.

Now that says absolutely nothing. Duh! Any company has that fiduciary duty
to its investors and shareholders.

|> Now there is nothing wrong with that at all.   The fact one has to
|> keep customers happy to survive does not undermine that.  Also as a
|> gTLD registry is a natural monopoly one can well argue it does not in
|> any way have to meet the needs of users to survive.
|> A ccTLD sponsor does not have a sole focus of making a profit.  In
|> fact for .nz the over-riding priority is to serve the local internet
|> community.  

Then what should happen is, to hand those ccTLDs back to their designated
countries? What are you saying here.
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