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Re[2]: [ga] Re: DNSO Constituency Structure

At 4:19 PM +1300 23/11/01, Joop Teernstra wrote:
>On 18:34 22/11/01 -0800, William X Walsh said:
>>My last motion in the IDNO was an
>>attempt to bridge the gap between the two factions, and it lost by ONE
>>SINGLE VOTE.  Joop makes it sound like those who oppose his elitist
>>view of the IDNO and how it should be run and what it should be doing
>>are only one or two vocal people, whom he slanders and tries to
>The facts about that vote are here: www.idno.org/democinaction.htm
>Let the reader judge for himself what the truth is.
>That WXW is even less restrained on the idno-discuss list than he is here
>only confirms that he's a royal pain  to any constituency that would
>harbour him. :-(

Don't worry kiddies, this is Joop in panic mode.

The IDNO is about to start voting for a chair, and Joop's favourite has
dropped out of the race.

So now it's down to Sitoris or Karl Peters. Needless to say, Joop can see
his iron grip on the functions of the IDNO rapidly slipping away if he
doesn't maintain control of the chair (as he's done in the past).

He's now switched into high gear, smearing filth onto every mailing list he
can. Karl's now called "the Peter's threat", and WXW is some sort of
registrar plant, hell bent on spoiling things for registrants. Joop
obviously doesn't watch the OpenSRS lists and see the excellent job WXW's
done in the past regarding protecting the rights of registrants where
registrar transfers are concerned.

He's done more for registrants in the last two years than "democracy man".

Look up d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n in the dictionary.

It's so pitiful, it's getting amusing.

What's amazing is that Joop goes around proclaiming he's just attacted
someone to the IDNO, and then when that person turns out to not want to
follow the Joop line, he's turns them into "threats". McCarthy would be

Oh well.

Andrew P. Gardner
barcelona.com stolen, stmoritz.com stays. What's uniform about the UDRP?
We could ask ICANN to send WIPO a clue, but do they have any to spare?
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