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Re: [ga] RE: DNSO Constituency Structure

Sandy Harris wrote:
<major snippage>

This portion of this post makes a good move toward political analysis.

> The trouble with voting and polls is that the people doing the voting here
> aren't representative. In a congress or parliament you have at least an
> attempt at that -- each member represents some specific group of voters
> and there's some attempt at fairness, whether equal population in each
> riding or a proportional representation system or two senators per state
> or ...
> If a measure achieves a majority in Congress, there's at least some hope
> that the voting bears some relation to the will of the people. If not,
> perhaps you can throw them out next election.
> Here you cannot tell who anyone represents. Some have credible claims
> based on elections, e.g. Karl, but those elections can certainly be
> criticised. Other claims are far more nebulous. Does Joop speak for
> domain name owners? Danny for dot commoners? Jeff for thousands of
> people? Others for their companies, or industries, or parts of the
> domain business?
> Who am I speaking for? I certainly hope it's not only for myself, that
> I'm working toward the good of the whole community, but I cannot claim
> to represent anyone.
> Given that, it becomes not at all clear what any vote here means.
> There is, as far as I can see, no reason to imagine that something
> that achieves a majority in the GA has broad support among users
> or any other relevant group.

1.    These concepts show why it is important here to attack/or not, a
position and not a person.  Arguments must live or die on merits not the
merit of the speaker.  Claims of representativeness must be viewed as a
call to that group to object and absence such, well then.....

2.    Voting is a nice way to calculate consensus here and nothing more.

3.    Everyone here works for the good of the community we just chose
to disagree on what is the "good".

4.    No you cannot tell whom someone represents so you have to judge
the merits of the input, sometimes WXW speaks the best for DCs some-
times Jeff, and always me ;-}  You normally come from all over the place
demanding common sense.

(later, got go ride Savanna before she gets corral crazed)

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