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Re[6]: [ga] Domain Transfers

Thursday, Thursday, December 13, 2001, 6:18:19 PM, L Gallegos wrote:

> Additionally, I have had others relate similar situations to me, but, 
> again, do not report them to this list.  I would not have mentioned this 
> incident had you not made your comment.  IMO, it is not a good idea to 
> make categorical statements such as yours and then not expect to see 
> a refutation of that comment.  I also do not really feel compelled to 
> provide you with specifics on any one incident that may be the basis for 
> possible actions on the part of the parties to it.

Well, it is really easy to make claims that are not backed up by real
facts. It is not a good idea to claim that incidents are occuring, and
not be willing to provide facts to back that claim up.

As far as I am aware, I have seen no reports of domains lost "in
transfer" that have not ended up being a case of registrant to
registrant transfers at NSI.

I >>HAVE<< seen domains lost during Registrant to Registrant transfers
at NSI (ala Races.com).  And I've seen people use those cases to
mistakenly say that Registrar to Registrar transfers are not safe,
when in fact this was a problem that was internal to NSI, and had
nothing to do with the Registrar transfer system.  The other time
people claim a domain was lost in a registrar to registrar transfer is
when the domain had already been hijacked at the existing registrar,
and then the hijacker transferred the domain name to another registrar
(or reset the billing data and then registered the name when it was
deleted for non-payment).  Again, this is not a problem with Registrar
to Registrar transfers, but a problem with poor security at the
original registrar (which, not surprisingly enough is almost always
NSI Registrar).

And I'm aware some claim that Registrars tell them that transfers have
security issues, but usually that ends up being a case of a C.S. rep
who is uninformed, misinformed, or a company who is just C.Y.A. so
they can blame someone else if there is a problem.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
SSL Certificates for resellers from $49ea

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