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RE: [wg-review] 11. IDNH

At 05:59 AM 1/16/01, Jefsey Morfin wrote:
>Whatever the reasons, the only consensus we can reach and it is our duty 
>as a consulting body (cf. bylaws) to report is:


You are once again claiming consensus that does not exist. This is 
PRECISELY the charge that has been leveled against previous working groups. 
It is our duty to NOT make such statements, nor to report such statements 
as consensus, without a clear agreement from the membership of this WG. 
Please stop.

>a) those who think that the constituency system must be removed first 
>through a modification in the bylaws and then to be carried a serious 
>joint study with the all the concerned parties including the @large Study 
>Group over the two years to come (the planed duration of that group),

I am extremely curious as to who in this WG, besides yourself, believes 
this. Any answers from any members of the WG who agree with this are most 


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