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Re: ICANN MdR meeting - Good process than comes good substance to: [ga] icannworld.org

Eric Dierker wrote:

> Sotiris,
> I believe that through some quirck of fate you posted this to the GA.
> My record as a criminal defense attorney, a Jag Representative, or a prosecuter of civil
> matters is of no interest to this group except that it partially explains my compassion for
> human plight.

When you took up the bar oath, you became accountable to the
public.  I believe it is relevant as a statement of
character that you were suspended for five years by the
state bar for a number of ethical violations regarding
clients but mainly for drinking too much and inhaling too
much "nose candy."  

Now, I might be going out on a limb here, but it seems to me
you weren't handed the pornographer case by accident.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos
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