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Re: ICANN MdR meeting - Good process than comes good substance to: [ga] icannworld.org


This is entirely false and any and all records will show that I resigned due to disability which
ultimately resulted years later in six months of chemotherapy and later total remission.  You
know what is funny about this attack is that in later years it has been determined that the
non-hodgkins stage four lymphoma with pancreatic involvement that I was diagnosed with was
determined to be caused by Atomic fallout in Northern Arizona.  (you can look it up, I was 5
years old, Coconino County, Arizona during 1962-63, July, disease above is med/ref)  So while I
am being attacked on a list regarding technology it was radiation from technology which caused
the reason for which I am attacked.  So I add, hurray!! to Bush and Putin for reducing those
horrible weapons.

Maybe you don't get it SS but my own country nuked me and I would gladly still die for it.  ICANN
does not treat dotcommoners properly but I will gladly participate and support it.  because our
leaders may have faults is not a reason to attack the whole system.  We move forward and we do
our best.

I hope you have your garden fully prepared for the winter, I know you take good care of it and it
is your solace.

Eric Dierker

Ps. don't worry the US Gov. has a program to compensate me 50k for my illness, and I may get it
in time for my beautiful youngest's college - six more years.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:

> Eric Dierker wrote:
> > Sotiris,
> >
> > I believe that through some quirck of fate you posted this to the GA.
> >
> > My record as a criminal defense attorney, a Jag Representative, or a prosecuter of civil
> > matters is of no interest to this group except that it partially explains my compassion for
> > human plight.
> When you took up the bar oath, you became accountable to the
> public.  I believe it is relevant as a statement of
> character that you were suspended for five years by the
> state bar for a number of ethical violations regarding
> clients but mainly for drinking too much and inhaling too
> much "nose candy."
> Now, I might be going out on a limb here, but it seems to me
> you weren't handed the pornographer case by accident.
> Sincerely,
> Sotiris Sotiropoulos
> --
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