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Re: [ga] Re: Outreach

Sotiris and all assembly members,

Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:

> Eric Dierker wrote:
> > Developing IT Countries need to increase domestic use of the Internet in order to reduce shared costs of
> > the infrastructure, we cannot do this through individually owned computers for many reasons, (overuse
> > being one), until we gradually increase infrastructure.
> ICANN is not here to address the economic development of developing countries.  That is not parts of its
> mission.

  Exactly right.  Nor should it get involved in the future in such escapades as
that is not within it's contractual mandate.

> Frankly, I don't care if the shoeshine boys of Vietnam can't afford a domain name (or internet access).  There
> are plenty of people in the developed world who cannot afford either!  The trend towards leaning over
> backwards so some third world nation (that has most likely sucked up billions in aid packages) can have an
> equal say in something they had no equal share in developing is sheer lunacy.  I'm sure there are plenty of
> people in Vietnam with domain names AND internet access.  the rest will either get online when they can afford
> to, or not.

  Your are a bit harsh here Sotiris, but in essence you are quite right.  In fact
the Republic of Vietnam recently just got a few Billion in aid from the US
for for trade and infrastructure building.  It can use that money to bring
more of it's people that cannot now afford internet access to gain such

>  I don't see how/why the ICANN needs to address (indeed cater to) the needs of the Third World
> Internet User, when they haven't even looked at addressing the desires of those in the Developed World!

  Also agreed here as well.  Outreach should began at home first.  That home
is in the USA and/or North america.

> This
> is a sideshow designed to steal attention from the things that really matter!  I will not sit back and watch
> such a farce without speaking up about it.

  Good for you and we [INEGroup] agree!  >;)

> Sincerely,
> Sotiris Sotiropoulos
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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